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Furnace Maintenance Tips: How to Properly Maintain Your Furnace to Avoid Repairs

heating or furnace repair

At Good Guys Heating and Cooling, we understand the importance of proper furnace maintenance. A well-maintained furnace not only runs more efficiently, but it can also save you money in the long run by avoiding costly repairs. In this article, we will go over some furnace maintenance tips that will help you keep your furnace in top working condition and ensure that your home stays warm and comfortable all winter long.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

First, it is important to schedule regular maintenance for your furnace. Most manufacturers recommend that you have your furnace inspected and serviced annually. During a maintenance visit, a professional HVAC technician will clean and inspect your furnace, checking for any potential issues and making any necessary repairs.

Replace or Clean Furnace Filters

Next, it is important to keep an eye on your furnace’s filters. Furnace filters should be replaced or cleaned every one to three months, depending on usage. Dirty filters can impede airflow and reduce your furnace’s efficiency, making it work harder to heat your home. Clogged filters can also lead to a buildup of dust and debris in your furnace, which can cause it to malfunction or break down.

Keep the Area Around Your Furnace Clean and Clear

Another important aspect of furnace maintenance is keeping the area around your furnace clean and clear. Your furnace should have at least a few inches of clearance on all sides for proper ventilation. This means keeping the area around your furnace free from clutter, as well as making sure that there are no combustible materials in the vicinity.

Monitor the Pilot Light or Electronic Ignition System

Lastly, it is important to keep an eye on the pilot light or electronic ignition system on your furnace. If the pilot light goes out, your furnace will not function. If you notice that your pilot light is frequently going out, it could be a sign of a larger issue, and it’s best to call a professional.

By following these furnace maintenance tips, you can ensure that your furnace is running at its best, and you can avoid costly repairs. If you have any questions or concerns about your furnace, or if you’re due for a maintenance visit, contact Good Guys Heating and Cooling to schedule an appointment.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How often should I have my furnace inspected and serviced? Most manufacturers recommend that you have your furnace inspected and serviced annually. Scheduling regular maintenance with Good Guys Heating and Cooling can help you stay on top of any potential issues and ensure that your furnace is running at its best.
  2. How often should I replace or clean my furnace filters? Furnace filters should be replaced or cleaned every one to three months, depending on usage. If you notice that your filters are dirty or clogged, it’s time to replace or clean them.
  3. What should I do if my pilot light goes out? If your pilot light goes out, it’s important to call a professional. A frequent pilot light outage can be a sign of a larger issue with your furnace and should be addressed by a trained HVAC technician.
  4. What should I do if my furnace is not heating my home properly? If you notice that your furnace is not heating your home properly, it’s important to call a professional. This could be a sign of a problem with your furnace and should be addressed by a trained HVAC technician.
  5. What should I do if I smell gas coming from my furnace? If you smell gas coming from your furnace, it’s important to call a professional immediately. This could be a sign of a gas leak and should be addressed by a trained HVAC technician